CeneBotBattle 2024

The Ultimate Programming Competition for Students at Ghent University

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1. Create a Bot

Come up with an algorithm and write a small program that plays the game Bonk. Don't worry, we've made it easy for you to get started.

2. Let the Bots Play

Your bot will continuously be matched against the bots of other participants for 6 weeks. Watch it battle and improve your implementation.

3. Win Fabulous Prizes

The participants with the best bots will receive awesome prizes on the closing ceremony. Go for the top 3 in the ranking or focus on one of 3 special prize categories.

About the CeneBotBattle

The CeneBotBattle is a monthlong online programming competition where participants write a small program to play a multiplayer arcade game against the programs of other participants. These AIs or so-called bots can view the game area and must efficiently implement a strategy to move the character around and outwin their opponents.

Bots are continuously matched against eachother and get points for winning a game. An ELO rating system is implemented to establish a ranking of the participants' submissions. Games are played during the period of six weeks and are livestreamed to the competition's website for students to watch.

During this month, participants are allowed to improve their implementation and can submit new versions of their bot. They get access to recordings of passed games and can thus learn about the performance of their designed algorithms and improve them.

This activity is targetted specifically at Computer Science Engineering students, Electrical Engineering student and Applied Informatics students, although it is open for all students and researchers of Ghent University and institutions from AUGent. That said, only students are eligible for prizes.

At the end of the competition, there will be a closing ceremony where the winners will receive their prizes. All participants will be invited to meet eachother and get free food and cheap drinks while having some more fun with small games related to the main event.

The CeneBotBattle was founded in 2023 and is organised by CenEka, the official student association for Computer Science Engineering and Electrical Engineering students at Ghent University. Ghent University awarded them with the DSAward Achievement of the Year in 2023. A summary of each edition can be found on the history page.

  Get Started   Read the Rulebook
Official Closing Ceremony CeneBotBattle 2023